
For the first time ever, there will be a livestream of WordCamp Miami (and, as already announced, a livestream of BuddyCamp Miami as well). The livestream will be at no charge (free), and a link will be available on the WordCamp Miami website during that weekend (look for ‘live’ in the top navigation).

There are many factors that go into livestreaming. We have dedicated people devoted to delivering the live stream (and thanks to the WordPress Foundation we have equipment). However, since this is our first shot please bare with us if things go a little off path. In addition, as you would imagine, we are dependent on the internet bandwidth of the venues, and some things (like quality, etc.) are out of our control. But we reviewed things prior, and we feel confident we can pull it off.

So for all those who missed a chance to attend in person – or for those who at the last minute can’t come – please tune in during WordCamp Miami weekend to catch some great presentations.